
Confirmed artist

Give us your details below!

The information in this form will be used to create your artist profile on this website + artist assets. Advance contact info will be shared with production.

1. For YouTube please link to a video not a YouTube channel

2. Please write confirmed band name spelling (including upper/lowercase letters)

You can update this information up until August 31st 2024. Please e-mail kimw@sena.is to do so.


Marketing/PR/Assets Contact

This will be the person who will approve the assets and we will share this information with our PR representatives.

Advance Contact

This will be the contact for advancing the show.


DO NOT LINK TO A YOUTUBE CHANNEL! LINK TO A YOUTUBE SONG ONLY! Link MUST look like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXX and make sure embedding on external websites is enabled. Music videos preferred, label artwork does not look good.

Further information

This bio is displayed on your artist profile. Please write a timeless text. Write in ENGLISH only.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, png, jpeg, Max. file size: 564 MB, Max. files: 5.
    No text, color. Max 8MB. If the file is too large the form will not submit. Please submit at least 2 options if you can.
    Please select all that apply.
    Let us know if any of your band members or team have mobility restrictions that need to be taken into account when advancing your show.
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