
Dania O. Tausen

Faroe Islands Folk Indie Jazz Pop Singer-songwriter
Faroe Islands

If you’ve heard about the Faroe Islands but haven’t heard of Dania O. Tausen this past year, you must have been living under a rock. No one has made a bigger impact on the music scene than this hard-working multi-artist from the small village of Toftir. It’s no surprise that Dania O. Tausen had the most FMA nominations (local Grammy awards) this year and won the Album of the year. Dania has a unique touch of the Faroese language in all her art. She uses a language that everyone can relate to in a clever and sophisticated way. Dania has a Bachelor in Creative Writing and has released music and poetry since 2019. Her music is light and intelligent with strong melodies and playful lyrics that makes people stop and listen. Dania’s universe is beyond reflective and experimental and yet so welcoming and easy to fall for and into, because of the pleasant warmth of her soft and intimate voice.
