

Iceland Jazz Pop

Guðrún Ýr Eyfjörð is an Icelandic musician born in Reykjavík in 1996 and has been working publicly in music since 2017. She performs under the name GDRN and in the years she has worked in the Icelandic music industry she has achieved great success as a musician.

She has won numerous awards in Iceland and has been nominated every single year since the beginning of her career for her music at the biggest music award festivals in the country. For her first solo album which was released in 2018 she won four awards at the Icelandic Music Awards, becoming the first woman to win so many awards in one go in the history of the awards.

Guðrún is educated in classical violin which she studied from the age of 5 to 18. She completed an intermediate level while studying the violin, but then moved on to jazz singing and completed an advanced level and graduated from FÍH in singing in 2021. Guðrún also plays the piano, guitar and the bass.

Guðrún has released four albums since 2018, three solo albums and one duet album with pianist Magnús Jóhann. All of her albums have achieved great popularity and have been praised by both public and critics and her music has been on most of the top lists of radio and streaming services in Iceland.
Guðrún has performed at all of Iceland’s biggest music festivals. In addition, she is very active in setting up concerts all over the country and regularly performs her music on the Icelandic national television.

Although a lot has happened in Guðrún’s career, she is nowhere near finished, and Guðrún’s fans can be excited for new music and live concerts in the near future, which Guðrún continuous to work hard on at the moment.
