Gin and tonic, coffee and crying in the bathroom at work, Iceland Airwaves and the Reykjavík Grapevine: some things are just meant to go together. And luckily for fans of the latter iconic duo, we’re delighted to announce the return of GRAPEWAVES podcast, which brings Icelandic music stans all of the buzz of the festival, delivered straight to your ear holes every day.
GRAPEWAVES will be released daily on all major podcast platforms from Thursday November 3rd to Saturday November 5th during Iceland Airwaves festival. And what’s more, you can come and see it recorded live at 12:30 each day at the brand new Iceland Airwaves Center at Kolaportið! The Center is open to the public—no Airwaves wristband required—from 12:00 – 00:00 everyday. Not only is it the wristband exchange location for those who will be attending the festival, but it also acts as the main festival hub. Attendees can purchase food and drink (at a discounted rate for wristband holders!), watch special extra performances and off-venue events, and even pick up some sick Airwaves merch, just to show everyone back home that they totally missed out.
Once again, radio host and producer (and Iceland Airwaves expert) Tim Pogo joins as GRAPEWAVES presenter, joined by a brilliant selection of Icelandic and international artists, music industry movers and shakers, and of course, some of your Reykjavík Grapevine favs. For those who join us in-person there will be the opportunity to win special prizes, as well as catch exclusive sets by Iceland Airwaves musicians. But even if 12:30 is far too early for those of you who might be nursing sore heads from the previous night’s festivities, be sure to tune in to the podcast when it goes out every afternoon, as we’ll be going over the best acts to watch out for, as well as perhaps announcing some secret sets…shhh.

GRAPEWAVES podcast host Tim Pogo
So come down, or tune in, to GRAPEWAVES this Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Whether you’re an Iceland Airwaves veteran or a new kid on the block, we guarantee there will be something for you. We’re so confident, in fact, that we’ll even promise you your money back if you don’t enjoy it.* How’s that for commitment?
*It’s a free podcast.
Find GRAPEWAVES podcast on all major podcast platforms and apps, as well as our website every afternoon from Thursday 3rd – Saturday 5th November. Recording takes place at IA Center in Kolaportið from 12:30 – 13:00 on the same days. Entry is free of charge, no ticket required.